Oxygen throughout its run went through a  number of revelations and complex plots. Some of them which may leave you confusing and questioning much as it did to the character of Liz. So here we are, taking a look at a number of questions that may need answers. Right where the movie is set, what happened to earth, the plans of the government, who exactly is Liz, the clone theory, and what it means for the future of humanity. Does everyone survive or not? So let’s begin with taking a look at the plot of Oxygen.

Oxygen Plot Summary

Oxygen follows the story of a woman trapped inside a cryogenic chamber with no memories of her past of who she is, and what is she doing here. Until an AI named Milo appears to assist her with her identity as Dr. Elizabeth Hansen. But doesn’t give her full control due to the lack of Admin codes required to operate the system. The movie sees her struggling to figure out her history in order to get out of the pod. Elizabeth uses articles and reference material available through the AI. Apart from that, she also constantly receives flashbacks of her past life which help her little. But also leaves her in more questioning. There comes a time she even manages to contact the outside world. From cops to a woman who really wants to help her but only to be struck with darker truth about her existence. The Cops tell Elizabeth her husband doesn’t exist despite her having memories of him. While an older woman reveals to Liz she is not in a hospital or even on the earth. There are twists and turns and as well as reality and lies behind them that Elizabeth needs to figure out before her oxygen runs out.

Oxygen Ending Explained

The Reality So, the first people Liz went on to is trying he husband Leo as well as calling the cops as we said above. But the thing is, cops are just trying to avoid Liz from knowing the truth. They are hoping her Oxygen might pass out and she doesn’t reveal the truth to the bigger world. She can clearly hear them talking about telling her she is imagining things. An older woman on the call revealed the whole mess to Liz. She came across her while trying to contact her husband Leo, of whom she is having flashbacks of along with some experiment on rats they were executing. The same woman also tells her that she is actually in space. Furthermore, she is not alone as there are 10,000 other damaged pods with people inside them. The reason she woke up amidst this is that the space shuttle crashed in with a meteor. While some of the 10,000 other humans went floating in the space while some have survived. Coming back to the call, the woman also gave Liz the much-required administrative codes. But, she also warns her not to go open the pod as it may lead to her immediate death.

What Happened To Earth?

A time later, the older woman calls back recalling what went down. So according to her, the Earth is suffering from a virus that killed a million. Even Liz’s husband Leo died of the same. So the prediction is that the human race could die from the virus in the next two generations. To prevent the end of the civilization, she designed the plan to colonize a planet orbiting around “Wolf 10-61”. A planet 14 light-years away from the earth.

Who Is Liz?

So, coming back to Liz, she has been asleep for 12 years now, and her oxygen is dropping constantly, and to prevent her death she needs to fix the pod. As soon as the woman is about to guide her, people invade the woman’s home to take her out. She tells Liz to remember Leo in order to survive. With lost hope, Liz decides to end her life by jumping off the pod until a flash of Leo comes in the same pod. Taking help from Milo, Liz eventually discovers her husband in a similar pod but with a scar missing. This leads her back to the files of Elizabeth Hansen. There she witnesses the videos of Liz and her husband on experimentation of cloning executed through bodies of mice. Eventually succeeding. So, yes the bodies transported to space are actually clones. Including Liz herself, Milo reveals her body form is only 12 years old. No wonder the government was keeping the fact away. Furthermore, it also reveals that the woman she talked to could be none other than the real Liz. After all, she is the one who designed this whole program. Anyway secrets are meant to be secrets.

The Ending

So, now with a little explanation, Liz moves on to redivert power and goes back into hypersleep. Milo further helps Liz by transporting the oxygen of destroyed pods to her. The ending moments see Liz and Leo embracing life in each other’s arms as they look upon the sea. We can finally say that after all the mess and struggle she has been through, Liz managed to stay alive through the journey. Thus, reaching Wolf 10-61c where humanity is thriving a new life altogether. Despite being a clone, after all, Liz is alive and off to her fresh start. She happily completed her mission on earth. Humanity can live further now. Also Read: The Woman In The Window Netflix Ending Explained

Oxygen Ending Explained  The Truth About Liz  The Clones And Wolf 10 16 - 49Oxygen Ending Explained  The Truth About Liz  The Clones And Wolf 10 16 - 88Oxygen Ending Explained  The Truth About Liz  The Clones And Wolf 10 16 - 32