In the previous battle, Okubo thinks that Juroto possesses different techniques and has better skills than Hayami. Agito explains about Niko Style Anamalganation of Four Style. He thinks that it is not easy to choose between different techniques. Ohma asks Agito if he can be on Jurota’s level, and Agito said no. Agito reveals that no one can throw like Jurota, and he has never been in a ring with a master of a throw like Jurota. Meanwhile, Gensei has also arrived at the fighting arena, and he is surprised to see Jurota here.

Kengan Omega Chapter 102 Highlights

Jurota is stunned that Hayami is not giving up, and he is able to keep up with his throws. He has managed to reduce the gap between the first count down and the second count down. Hayami decided to square off with the guy who is three times stronger than him. In the present, Jurota is impressed that Hayami has managed to counter his swing. They both wrestle, trying to each other down. Jurota comments that Hayami is the real Maguro Masaki.

Winner By KO

Hayami told Jurota that he is strong, but he is joking, thinking that he can throw him away with one arm. He reveals that he has been waiting for this moment since Jurota was using Judo all the time. Hayami said he is the one who will walk away with a victory since Jurota will be on his lying on his back. Jurota unleashes a one-arm shoulder throw, but Hayami manages to slams him with the ground. Jurota praises Hayami that he has thrown him away for the first time. He comments that Hayami is his nemesis. When Jurota is falling, Hayami laded a hammer final blow that smashes Jurota. Purgatory’s fighters are surprised that Jurota has been defeated. Jurota comments that it was a good fight, and he falls unconscious. The ref announces that Hayami is the winner. He won by KO; the Kengan Association cheers for Hayami as he walks out of the ring. Kazuo is glad that Hayami has taken down a challenging opponent. Agito comments that Hayami will light a new part in the Kengan Association. Koga heads to Hayami and gives him his stuff back. He congratulates him on the victory and thanks to him. Koga asks Hayami if he wants something to drink, and he replies that he is going to see the doctor since he has taken damage. He took his earphones and told Koga that they would meet later. When he is on his way, he says a lady waiting for him in the passage. The lady is revealed to be the representative of Gold Pleasure Group and an affiliate of the Kengan Association.

Hayami’s Sister

She is the biological daughter of Tokyo Electric Power Co CEO Hayami Katsumasa, and her name is Kurayoshi Rino. Hayami just passes Rino and heads where he is going. Rino comments to herself that poor brother while Hayami thinks his wound has just opened up. He opens his hands, looking at the blood covering his hands, and comments that Jurota was strong. He realizes that if he was not fighting by Pugatory’s rules, he would have lost the battle. Hayami vowed to get stronger than Jurota and his brother. Hayami heads to get himself treated. As it stands on the board, Kengan Association has 4 wins, and Purgatory has 4 wins. There are only five matches to go to determine who wins the competition. The next battle is about to begin; two mysterious, powerful fighters are about to step up. Let’s find out in the next chapter who will rise for Kengan Association and Purgatory. The completion is about to be finished. The first team to secure three fights in a row will be considered the winner of the competition.

Kengan Omega Chapter 103 Release Date

Kengan Omega Chapter 103 will release on Thursday, 1 April 2021. Kenga Omega Chapters are released every Thursday. Try more updates here: Kengan Omega was released last in the past two weeks. That’s what the updates of the upcoming chapter have to offer. The spoilers and next chapter updates of Kengan Omega Chapter 103 will be released next week. They will be available as soon as we get them. Don’t miss the next chapter on Thursday after the latest one is released.

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