Alola Rattata and Raticate Type: Dark/Normal Alola Vulpix and Ninetails Signature Ability: Snow Cloak Type: Ice and Ice/Fairy Alola Sandshrew and Sandslash Signature Ability: Snow Cloak Type: Ice/Steel Alola Grimer and Muk Signature Ability: Poison Touch / Gluttony. Type: Poison/Dark Alola Meowth and Persian Signature Ability: Pickup/Technician Type: Dark Alola Diglett and Dugtrio Type: Ground, Steel Alola Geodude, Graveler, and Golem Type: Rock, Electric Alola Exeggutor Type: Grass/Dragon Alola Marowak Type: Ghost/Fire Alola Raichu Type: Electric/Ghost
That’s all for now, I’m sure there will be more Alola forms for other GEN 1 pokemon in some time, let us know what you think about them in the comments!